What does dentistry cover?

Dentistry covers several areas all concerning the oral cavity:

  • conservative odontology (care on the dental crown),
  • endodontics (care inside the dental roots),
  • surgical endodontics (surgery of the end of the dental roots),
  • occlusodontics (the science of dental occlusion),
  • surgical odontology (surgery related to teeth),
  • the fitting of prostheses,
  • periodontics (treatment of periodontal diseases),
  • implantology,
  • orthodontics or forensic odontology.

What does an odontologist treat?

An odontologist treats a wide variety of pathologies according to his skills and the clinical condition of the patient, whatever his age: treatment of cavities, devitalization, excision of granulomas and cysts, improvement of reflex occlusal functions, treatment of dental contact problems, pain, cracking of the temporomandibular joint and tension in the masticatory and cervical muscles, avulsion of teeth, reconstitution of the loss of substance of the teeth or replacement of missing teeth (crowns, bridges, removable prostheses, etc.), treatment of the alignment of the teeth and the meshing of the jaws…

When to consult an odontologist?

As soon as an oral problem appears, whether it is pain, discomfort, sensitivity, bad breath, bleeding, or a lump, for example, you should consult an odontologist. A routine visit once or twice a year is also recommended, from an early age, to prevent possible problems and to carry out scaling. The odontologist is directly accessible without going through the attending physician.

What happens during a consultation?

As with any medical consultation, the consultation with the odontologist always begins with a precise examination of the symptoms and the medical history (taking treatment, previous problems, etc.). Then comes the time of the precise clinical examination with sometimes the help of certain additional examinations such as a dental X-ray for example. At the end of the consultation, the specialist offers treatment adapted to the pathology.

Preparing for your visit to the odontologist

Before any visit to the odontologist, it is important to prepare all the papers and medical reports (consultations, additional examinations, etc.) that can help the specialist in his diagnosis and treatment.

Price and reimbursement

The consultation with the odontologist is covered by health insurance. Dental care, prostheses, and orthodontic treatments are reimbursed but are governed by special rates. Consultations are covered by health insurance and reimbursed at 70% based on the conventional rate. The price is usually €23 for a dental surgeon and €28 for a stomatologist.

  • Dental care includes conservative care, such as scaling (€28.92),
  • The treatment of a cavity or devitalization (from 16.87 € to 33.74 €),
  • Surgical care, extraction type (from €16.72 to €33.44) is reimbursed at 70% based on the conventional rate (Health insurance).
  • Dental prostheses are reimbursed at 70% based on so-called liability tariffs, very often lower than their real cost (free tariffs).

These prices are different when they are performed on adults or the permanent teeth of children under 13 years old. , possibly, for acceptance. Orthodontic treatments are covered by Health Insurance subject to obtaining the prior agreement of your Health Insurance fund and if they are started before the 16th birthday.

Treatments and care

The treatments offered by the odontologist depend on his skills and pathology. If he cannot provide care, he can refer you to a competent colleague. In most cases, treatment can be carried out by the odontologist, especially if the problem concerns the teeth.

Studies, diploma… How to become an odontologist?

To exercise the profession of odontologist (dental surgeon), you must hold a state diploma of a doctor of dental surgery. The studies are carried out at the university. The last 6 years included a first-year common to health studies (Paces). They are organized in 3 cycles. On the other hand, the stomatologist doctor is a surgeon who follows medical studies for 6 years, then 5 years of General Surgery, and finally 2 years to obtain the diploma of maxillofacial surgery and stomatology.

Doctor’s advice

All children and teenagers can have a free oral preventive examination at the age of 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 years old. For children aged 6 and 12, it is compulsory. Check with your health insurance fund!

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