By saving, you mean money that you don’t need to save for future planned or unexpected needs. All companies must have a reserve fund plan, which is needed to achieve goals, cope with emergencies, and maintain the company’s normal operations during off-season sales. At the same time, if the money is deposited in the savings account of a financial institution, it can also bring a sum of money. interest income.
Why is it said that the development of an enterprise is inseparable from capital reserves?
- Helps you deal with unexpected capital needs: With savings on hand, your company’s survival won’t be jeopardized in the event of a sales slump or unforeseen challenges.
- Savings pay off: Open a savings account with a financial institution and earn interest. Explore the possibilities, weigh the pros and cons, and make the best choice. Factors to consider are: how much money to save, how to operate it, how high the interest rate is, and when to withdraw. For example, if you open a checking savings account with a certificate of deposit (CD), the interest is higher than a regular deposit account, but you will be penalized if you withdraw before the stipulated time.
- Helps you achieve your predetermined goals: If you have a medium to a long-term savings plan, you can have enough money to grow your company, expand your business, open new stores, repair equipment, and more.
How to reserve funds?
Some people are reluctant to save, and some people can’t save money. Savings should be seen as a way to create great opportunities, not a burden. If something unexpected happens to you, good or bad, you will always need money. Here are a few simple steps:
- Budget and play by the rules: When you budget for the month, overestimate costs appropriately. By the end of the month, you will have some balance on hand that you can use to save.
- Save for yourself first: Set a fixed amount of money each month, treat it like a bill and don’t use it. Take some money out of your income and leave it alone. See how your accumulated private savings increase month by month.
- Financially Smart: Choose the financial plan that best aligns with your business goals. Research several financial institutions to see what types of savings they have and compare their interest rates.
- Prepare for the unexpected: Save an emergency fund equal to 3-6 months of expenses. In business, everyone is bound to encounter adversity. With this money in hand, you can survive for 3-6 months, so that Guan Zhang will not go out of business.
- Set financial goals and work hard to achieve them: With the SMART goal method, calculate how much money you need to save and how long you need to save to achieve your goals. If you have a goal in mind, you will be motivated to save, and you will have a bottom line on the trend of the company.
Set savings goals
Before thinking about how to save, figure out what you are saving for. This might be to buy new equipment, hire new employees, renovate an office, or cover additional expenses. The goal determines the path. No matter which goal, the funds you allocate do not need to be too large, and it does not need to be done in one step, and it can be accumulated gradually by month.
SMART goal method
A real need is the best reason to save. Consider short-term goals (monthly or annual procurement costs) and long-term goals (large events, large expenditures) as guided by the SMART goal approach.
Specific: Specific goals motivate action, clear goals, and expected results, allowing you to focus on saving;
Measurable: Measurable goals define your current work tasks, with specific numbers as metrics to track the entire process from start to finish;
Attainable: Achievable goals make money. The goals you set must be within your ability.
Relevant: Related to the overall goal, sub-goals are meaningful. Don’t think about goals that don’t have long-term meaning.
Time: Temporal, specifying a deadline for achieving a goal. A time frame to avoid negligence and take it lightly.
Once you’ve set your financial goals, plan your savings. Which saving method is right for you depends on several factors: how much money you save, how you handle your money transfers, and when you withdraw your money. Let’s take a look at what savings methods are available and compare them against each other:
Saving account
There are various options for savings accounts. You can open one account or multiple accounts to facilitate fund management and serve different purposes. Most businesses open multiple accounts because the time and purpose of the funds are different.
For example, if you plan to buy a new house in a year’s time, open an account in the bank to save money for buying a house. You open another savings account and put some money away in case you need it. Keep the money separately, each with its own name, to avoid the temptation of cross-use.
One of the big benefits of putting money in a savings account is interest income. The amount of income depends on the interest rate on the account and the frequency of interest accrual. The higher the interest rate, the more frequently the interest is calculated, and the more profit you will make.
Here are a few savings accounts to choose from:
- Basic savings account: The interest rate of a basic savings account is the lowest, generally less than 1%. The advantage is that you can transfer money to other bank accounts or withdraw cash at any time over the counter or ATM. Choose an account that doesn’t charge fees regardless of the amount you store. Most of the basic savings account services are provided by brick-and-mortar banks, and online banking is rare.
- Money Market Accounts: Money market accounts have higher interest rates than basic savings accounts and are more convenient to operate. The bank issues the account holder a debit card or a checkbook that can be used to withdraw cash or pay directly from a money market account. However, the service has minimum deposit requirements, requires a large number of funds to open an account, and maintains an extremely high balance to earn interest.
- Online savings accounts: Similar to money market accounts, online savings accounts also have higher interest rates. However, it doesn’t issue debit cards or checkbooks. This also has the benefit of curbing your urge to spend money. Its operation is very convenient, you can transfer money between accounts at will. If you also have an online checking account with this bank, you can withdraw cash from your savings account at the teller machine. One limitation is that you cannot speak directly to a customer service agent.
No matter which savings account you choose, it is recommended that you make an automatic savings plan. Under this plan, a fixed amount of money is automatically transferred from a checking account to a savings account each month. Build a fortune without your hassle.
Create an emergency fund
The money you put in an emergency fund is used to cover unplanned operating costs. These additional costs can stem from a downturn in the market, or be caused by unexpected events, such as natural disasters, that damage your business and inventory. These additional costs are unpredictable, and no one is immune during the lifetime of a business. An emergency fund is your guarantee to get through the disaster. Experts recommend that the size of the emergency fund should be equivalent to the total expenditure of the business for 3-6 months. How to raise an emergency fund, check out the emergency plan for more information.