How Are Languages Learned?

Curious to find out a little more about how language is learned and how to learn foreign languages ​​affect the brain, I decided to do a little research and reveal some of the science behind the language of learning. Language: Our human instinct is first, it’s no secret that our first language is naturally easier for us than a foreign language from Languages Tutor. Humans were born to learn language and instinctively began to take it as children. Although language is something we must learn, research has shown that instincts to do so are present from birth. We intuitively learn to communicate with others by forming an understanding of our mother words and rules, which then provide a template for our understanding of other languages.

After getting our first language, we learned all new languages ​​in connection with the language that we first learned. That is why language that is more similar to our original language becomes easier for us, and language that is more different is more difficult and requires longer to learn. Foreign languages ​​and adults because our brains are programmed to learn our first language, children can achieve higher language skills faster than adults because their brains are more flexible with new rules. The child’s brain has a higher plasticity, which means that they can make new neurons and synapses, or connections between information.

However, this is not just a flexible brain problem. How adults and children close to learning language also have a big influence on how they learn language. As some researchers have found, adults usually approach language learning with the process of solving adults, while children do not allow rules and logic to limit their learning and only absorb everything. Therefore, adults usually develop through the initial stages of language learning faster than children, but children find it easier to achieve higher skills in foreign languages ​​than adults.

However, don’t let that prevent you. Not only adults can take the first stage of language faster than children thanks to their logical approach, one study of the second language pronunciation even found that some students who started as adults get a score like the original speakers in the testing test.

Other studies also show that bilingual has an easier time to learn the third language. If you become bilingual as a child, learning your third language might look easier because your brain is accustomed to making a relationship between words and structures. However, if you become bilingual as an adult, research has shown that students who are literate in both of their languages ​​and who have meta-linguistic knowledge (knowledge of language and how they work) find learning third language more easily. The Effect of Language Learning on the brain now because we have seen briefly how language learning changes in various stages of life, let’s see what really happens in your brain when you learn new language.

MRI technology can also help show which parts of the brain are active during certain tasks. Early language studies based on brain research and “L” and “r” sounds showed that only one area of ​​Japanese speaker’s brain was activated after hearing these two voices, while two regions were activated in the British speaker’s brain. This is because Japanese speakers do not distinguish between these two voices.

This not only proves that language helps determine how our brains are connected, but language education also takes its findings one step ahead and even develop solutions for Japanese speakers to learn to distinguish between sounds. Benefits of Learning Foreign Languages such as Pashto Language ​​in the Brain The use of technology has helped many researchers to learn how language learning affects the brain, and the results are all positive. The brain that is active and developing is not only proven to grow in size, but can also bring several other benefits, including: a sharper study at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain revealed that multiple language people are better at observing their environment and see anything that is misleading, deceptive , or wrong. Learning language involves an increase in awareness, and this awareness is also transferred to the rest of your life. Increasing the ability of multitasking as they can switch between two languages ​​quickly, bilingual people can also switch between tasks quickly, according to the study of Pennsylvania State University. People who speak more than one language show more cognitive flexibility and feel easier to adapt to unexpected situations. The memory that was enhanced several Canadian studies has proven that bilingual is better in maintaining the list, name, and shopping direction. Learning language gives your memories of fantastic exercises and training your brain to remember information better and faster. This is a good way to improve your memory. However, use or get rid of!

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